Thursday 30 April 2015

It's a take over

Hi I'm Richard, husband to @jenkingwell. Have been for too many years to count, let's just say a long time.
Jen used to be a midwife and life was peaceful. She went to work at 7am and came home at 4pm. She even got days off each week. Then she became a store owner, then pattern designer and now she's joined "the family" (Moda that is, not mafia) and is designing fabric. Are you all getting the message??
Well that's life for 10 months of the year, then there is Quilt Market in the USA twice a year.........I'm not going to say anything else as I don't wish to incriminate anyone but every picture tells a thousand words...........

Just as well I'm a capable lad

I even washed the dog

( no animals were harmed in the making of this post)

Tomorrow these households will be telling it like it is
Jan  Betsy LaurieSandy CoreySherri

Thursday 9 April 2015

I'm on YouTube

When I was in Austin for Quiltcon I was kindly asked by Kimberly at the Fat Quarter Shop to film some short technique videos.
Check them out. 9 in total. It was a fun day with Modalissa providing moral support! I hope you like them. Here's a link to one